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Commercial Real Estate

Title Searches and Opinions - Chrystal DeHart Raper has been conducting commercial real estate title searches and giving title opinions in North Carolina for 11 years.  She has conducted searches in all 100 of North Carolina's Counties.  During that time, she has gained experience in searching properties of all types, including, but not limited to those with easement issues, gap and overlapage, disputed ownership, subdivisions, shopping centers, and industrial sites.  Chrystal currently focuses a large portion of her practice in this area. 

Commercial Real Estate Closings


Chrystal DeHart Raper has experience in conducting domestic adoptions including those that involve the Interstate Child Placement Compact.

Estate Administration

Chrystal DeHart Raper has assisted with the Administration of both death and incompentency estates including the division of personal and real property in contested estates.


Chrystal DeHart Raper has assisted numerous clients with incompetency guardianship proceedings.  In addition, she has acted as a Guardian Ad Litem on behalf of many respondents in guardianship proceedings.

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